Abah kata dia nampak muka anak-anak aku lain sikit the moment we arrive kat rumah abah to celebrate raya. "Takde Papa dia ni, lain sikit laa muka diorang ni. Happy tapi, kurang bercahaya.." Hmm.. Ye ker? I never notice that? Maybe gak? Sedih aku dengar statement abah tu, tapi, nak buat cemana. Nak cari rezeki lebih, kena laa outstation jauh-jauh kan, sayang? Dah laa Aisyah jenis yang 'pendam dalam'. Takde complaint verbally, but, deep down, i think she missed her papa a lot. Kengkadang, she would recall things that she did with her papa. Like recently, she mentioned about feeding monkeys at the Zoo with Papa, and that was on January 05. She was only 1 yr and 3 months old at that time. I never thot that she could memorize things at that age.
Syazwan pulak, ok jer. As long as dia kenyang, he will be fine. Cuma, masa balik kelantan ari tu, dia demam. So, everyone "especially mom" was saying that Syazwan demam because he missed his father. Pastuh, repeatedly cakap "kesian ejul raya sorang-sorang". Aku tak tau nape aku rasa mcm aku dipersalahkan when Ma utter those words? Nape hah? Pastuh, mula lah aku rasa mcm tension sbb rasa dipersalahkan. Padahalnya.... tak de pape pun. What about me? Hmm... What did I feel about this whole thing? I must be crazy if I didn't feel anything. I MISS HIM A LOT!!! Tapi, sibukkan diri untuk buat persiapan raya, sampaikan, sempat beraya 3 rumah je raya pertama tu. Pastuh, terus tertido sebab demam dan pening kepala ..
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