I'm being 'darat' today.. a.k.a 'jakun', or some people say 'peghak'. I just realised that there is a digital macro function in our digital camera. So, today's activity with aisyah is .. shoot some flowers or bugs around our house, and I photoshop them afterwards for more professional-like pics. Well.... not-so professional yet. But, I'm proud with my works, and so do Aisyah ..
The orchids from the pics above and below are from the same plant, but different phase I suppose. It first blooms as a red flower, then, changed to orange (the above colour) ..and soon, turn out to be yellow.
This is Honey Dew's flower.
This is Honey Dew's flower.
And the following are Aisyah's work.
And here's the photographer of the day
Gd try. Saya pun dah lama cari software adobe ni tp tak dpt2 lg...
Cari software ni secara ethical atau unethical? Hehe...
hasil kerja yg bagus ckg..kamera2 ni kita yg kena explore sendiri..huhu..
ckg khai nak ke software ni? saya ada..hehe..but yg cs2 punya la..
Iena : Itula..dh tua ni, I didnt have much time to explore things. Dah boring sgt .. itu yang ter'explore' tu. huhu. On photoshop, mine is cs2 jugak. download and crack.. ishh33.. sungguh unethical utk seorang cikgu IT. :p(shhhhhhh!!!!!)
btw, thanks for dropping by. ;)
u r almost welcome ckg...
hehe, belajar itu kan bila2 x kira masa,tempat n usia..;D
saya beli kat klang,tp pirate jgk la..huhu..tp since guna vista ni, x bole guna cs2 la pulak..cs3 baru oke kot..hehe..
Kita nak belajar tak kisah kot kalau unethical. Saya pakai vista problem gak...
hehe.. sbb tu lah saya tak upgrade2 pun ke vista, malas nk cari replacement tuk s/ware yang tak compatible utk vista lagi.
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