Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Toilet training

Sunday 20/11/06

I had three rounds of mopping the house today. My Aisyah are very talkative when it comes to discussing about horse, barney, songs, ‘olet’ and any other things that she fancy. But, when it comes to notifying us that she wanted to pee, nothing comes out of her mouth until she wet the floor and wanted to be washed. So, eventually, I had to clean up her mess, three rounds in less than 1 hour ; (. I am soo exhausted, and eventually, I almost lost my temper. Well, I’ve lost my temper. I’ve gone mad and scold her for a few moments until I realised that I shouldnt have scold her. This is her first day without her diapers and I’ve lost my temper after just three rounds of mopping. Its unfair to her. For God’s sake, she was just learning capitt! Looking at the sad face, I apologize to Aisyah, and both of us cried. The difference is, I cried silently while Aisyah cried her lungs out, to show that she protested on how I have treat her. Me, I cry because I realised my mistake and I swear to Allah that I’m not going to repeat that again. Siyan Aisyah..

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