Saturday, November 04, 2006

Secret Under Table Meeting

It is not easy to candid these two kids because as soon as they saw me with the camera, they'll start moving towards me. As for Aisyah, right after I shoot her, she will automatically ask me to show her the display of her photo. Perasan lawa anak aku yang sorang ni. Then, she would giggle to see her face in the display. Syazwan pulak, wanted to explore the gadget, that's all. He is so much into gadgets, sampaikan, when he went to see a Paed a few months back, he chose to play with the stethoscope instead of a nice bright-colored soft toy. That explains why my handphone need to be repaired recently, "handphone masuk air". The chinese guy who repaired my handphone asks me wether its true that my handphone masuk air. I have to say yes, but, the 'air' I'm talking about here is no ordinary 'air', but, 'air liur' (saliva) Syazwan bucuk. Sampai boleh berkarat panel dalam hp tu. Ganas betul.

So, because of the above reasons, you can see in the pics above that they start to move towards me after they notice the camera. And that was all that I manage to shoot on their 'secret under table meeting', before they attack me and seize the camera from me. Aiyaa..tolonnn...

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